
Friday, May 9, 2014

Happy Nurses Week

This week is National Nurses Week in Canada and the US.   A week where we take the time to say Thank You to all of the very hard working nurses out there who do a job that most of us could not stomach.  I know a few nurses and they are amazingly hard working, caring people who do there best everyday.  

My very best friend in the world is a Nurse and she called me up and asked me to make some thank you cards for the nurses she works with.   Of course all she asked was that they have that super cute Punch art Owl Nurse!

So for all of the Nurses out there who work so hard everyday ... "You just give, give, give ... thanks, thanks, thanks."

Happy Nurses Day!

1 comment:

  1. Too cute Janet! Yes, our nurse are awesome for sure!!


Thank you so much for your comments they mean the world to me. Have a wonderful day.