
Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I surfing the web today looking for some inspiration.   Nothing was working for me and maybe it is in part because it is a rainy, grey day out but I did not find anything to get my creative juices flowing.  This is rare for me because the internet usually has me rushing to my craft room for some me time.  

While I was on Facebook I made a little comment to some one and added my standard :).  This had me thinking, what if...

 I used circle punches for almost all of the emotes. I used the 1 3/4", 1' and the small circle from the Punch Pack.  I free had cut the straight lines. 

The challenge was finding Sentiments that I thought were fitting for the emotes.  I used Teeny Tiny Wishes and Petite Pairs. 

I had so much fun creating these and the possibilities are so vast!  Just Google Emoticons and wow there are loads!!

I hope you enjoy these little notes as much as I do.  Let me know what you think!

REMEMBER - There is less than two weeks left of the current Catalogue so get the Retiring Items while you can! Also the Spring Mini retires on May 31!
Janet Y


  1. What fun cards. Thanks for sharing such a great idea.

  2. Just saw these on SCS and had to dash over and tell you thanks for sharing! Fabulous and FUN!

  3. Janet - these are terrific cards! Thanks so much for sharing your inspirations :)

  4. The cards are very creative and fun. Thanks for sharing, Stephanie

  5. this has to be one of the most clever ideas I've seen in ages.... I absolutely am loving your idea and ty for sharing your creativity

  6. Thank you to everyone for the kind words. I am so glad you like these little notes as much as I do! Everytime I look at them they make me smile. :)

  7. Oh my goodness, these are awesome! Totally creative. Thanks for sharing! :)


Thank you so much for your comments they mean the world to me. Have a wonderful day.