
Sunday, September 30, 2012

MDS2 .. Have you tried this yet??

I have been having so much fun with my MDS2!   There are great new features and so much content it is hard to keep up!!   I love being able to sit down and finish up a scrapbook page or two in less than an hour!  With the Designer Templates you can finish a page in minutes!!  To check out the products available and the FREE MDS Trial Offer click here!

 Sorry I cannot seem to get my double layout to line up on my site but you get the idea! There are so many wonderful and fun elements to use in MDS. Embellishments such as stitching, Punches like the Flag Punch and Stamps like the Oh Splat! Stamp Brush Set. You also have access to amazing DSP! There are so many different styles there are sure to be many to suit you style.
Every photo you input can be edited on site! You can add matting, shadow, brighten or flip. There are also pre-made layouts or you can create your own. If you really don't know where you start you can use a designer template and have it add in the photos for you!!

 Embellishments are key to any page.  There are so many great options from buttons, ribbon, stitching, and brads.

Titles are also important and with MDS you have the option to use the Text feature, Alphabet Stamp Brush Sets and even Alphabet Punches you can fill with DSP!
Journaling is so easy with MDS.  There are great tag and label punches you can fill with text using the Text feature.  The choice of fonts is endless and you can change them to any colour under the sun.    If you are like me and you hate your own hand writing then this is the perfect solution. 

Take care and Thanks for looking!

Janet Y

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