
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Beautiful Wedding ... Crazy weekend!

I can't believe how time is flying by .. November is more than half over and I have done very little for Christmas!   I only made 2 Christmas cards for this year (luckily I have a few left from last year) and I have at least 5 teachers gifts to make!   I was put behind by a trip to Saskatoon last weekend where we attended a wedding, while there Megan got the stomach flu so that was fun LOL.  Luckily she was not sick until after the wedding but it did delay our return a bit. 

Anyway back to the reason for this blog.  I made a card for the bride and groom of course and here it is. 

 I used Baja Breeze paper from SU and the pearls but the rest is random stuff I had laying around.  I love these cake cards they are just so pretty. 

Of course I could not wrangle my girls into a photo together! I think someone got the shot but it was not me so here they are just not together!

Thanks for Looking :)

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