
Monday, November 28, 2011

Santa Clause is Coming to Town...

Ok one more quick post before I sign off.  Yesterday I made the trek to Market Mall for the kids annual visit with the man in Red.  They got all dolled up and were so excited. Jillian even wrote out her list so Santa would not forget!

Now I can avoid the mall in December!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Less Than One Month Until Christmas!!

Well if you saw my post from last night you can see my phone does not take great pictures!  But as promised I have a few cards to show you and there will be more on the way soon!  My housework has been greatly ignored this week but I am enjoying myself.  Last night I finished the majority of my Christmas gift shopping so all I need to do now is start baking.

Here is a better picture of my cute Snowman and Penguin card (I love punch art, it's so much fun).
I hope you can see them a little better!  A Real Red background embossed with the Northern Flurry Embossing Folder is the background for my Punch art Snowman and Penguin.

Next is one of my favourite cards this year. I cased it from Julia's Cards.   I sponged my background and added a light blue too but the idea is all hers. Simple and pretty with a bit of bling is totally my style and this card is all that, plus it uses one of my favourite stamps "Dasher". 

 I used Night of Navy and Bashful Blue Ink for the background and I used black embossing powder for Dasher to make him pop.  In the card on the left I added only one rhinestone (a red one) to his nose but below I added a bunch of clear ones to his antlers.
The Last card I will show you today is another one of my favourites this year!  I just bought the "Lovely as a Tree" Stamp set (yes it's been around for years but I was slow with this one)  I love it!!  This card was displayed on a video on the Stampin Connection website and I made some variations but overall the idea came from Catherine Pooler.

I stamped the trees in Always Artichoke and stamped off some ink on the background images so there was depth.  I used a layer of Artichoke for the frame and some  Espresso Twine for the bottom (I don't have the stamp set Catherine used for the sentiment)  I added the little bell because I felt it needed something and I LOVE those little jingle bells! You may not be able to see it in the photo but the trees are glittery.  I just used my glue pen and added some Dazzling Diamonds.  This fulfills all of my favourite elements. Simple, Pretty with a bit of Bling :)
 Thanks for Looking today.  Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Blogging from my Phone

What a day and age we live in when I can post whatever I please from my phone :). I do love my I-phone! I have been hard at work in my craft room this week and will post something to help get you in the Christmas spirit tomorrow! Although if the mall was any indication today everyone already has their Christmas spirit on! Here,s a little preview...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Beautiful Wedding ... Crazy weekend!

I can't believe how time is flying by .. November is more than half over and I have done very little for Christmas!   I only made 2 Christmas cards for this year (luckily I have a few left from last year) and I have at least 5 teachers gifts to make!   I was put behind by a trip to Saskatoon last weekend where we attended a wedding, while there Megan got the stomach flu so that was fun LOL.  Luckily she was not sick until after the wedding but it did delay our return a bit. 

Anyway back to the reason for this blog.  I made a card for the bride and groom of course and here it is. 

 I used Baja Breeze paper from SU and the pearls but the rest is random stuff I had laying around.  I love these cake cards they are just so pretty. 

Of course I could not wrangle my girls into a photo together! I think someone got the shot but it was not me so here they are just not together!

Thanks for Looking :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Welcome to Winter...

If you live in Calgary you will know that today is looking very much like winter.  So in the spirit of things I want to show you a couple of the Christmas  cards I have been working on.  I am so far behind on Christmas already this year that I doubt I will be getting cards out to many people but we'll see.

I love glitter!  SU's new Sliver Glitter paper is so sparkly perfect that I had to use some on the new Stocking Punch that came out this season.  If you buy SU products at all this year's Christmas Mini had to just blow a hole in your budget there was so much great stuff!!  My reason for making this card was that I wanted to see if the gifts from the "Loads of Love" stamp set would fit in the top of the Stocking.  They do :).

As much as I love the "sparkle" of the last card I love the "simple" of this one!  I did not create this, I cased it off Splitcoast Stampers but I just had to recreate it because I thought it was so pretty.   Plus I got to use my new Frames embossing folder!

Well I hope you are keeping warm on this snowy day and thanks for looking.

Playing Catch Up

Hi all!  I hope you had a great Halloween! The weather held out for the big night and my kids raked in the candy.  Unfortunately I was very ill and could not celebrate my daughter's birthday the way I wanted to.  I did make it through the party the day before though!  So this post is all about playing catch up.  I have some cute treat bags to show off and the card I made for my daughter's birthday plus a cute shot of my girls all ready for trick or treating (the picture is not great as I was very ill but hey I'm a mom and all pictures of my kids are great to me)!

We had Jillian's Birthday party the day before Halloween and she had decided a long time ago that she wanted to have a crafting party (like mother, like daughter!!) and she wanted to give Hot Air Balloons for the treat bags.  So I took the challenge and this is what I came up with ...

I have to admit they really were super easy and very adorable.  Plus it solves the problem of everyone wanting a balloon to take home at the end of the day. We had a piƱata so once they filled their zip-loc bags with loot I just placed them in the balloon base and I was done!! I used the SU Fancy Favour Die and Pennant punch. 

Jillian's Favourite things right now are Macaws.  She loves the movie Rio and she is always asking for bird stuffys.  So I tried to come up with a good birthday card for her.  I took a few punch art Ideas from Spiltcoast Stampers gallery and made the card below.  I love Michelle Zindorf's cards.  She is always using brayering techniques that totally astound me, so I incorporated that into the mix too.  I hope you like it. Jillian Loved it!

I found one last item at the Dollar Store (cost more than a dollar BTW) that just made Jillian's Day ...

By the next day I was Sick Sick Sick so I did not enjoy Halloween as much as I normally do but here is a shot of my two great kids all dressed up and on their way out the door!

Well I am caught up now :)  Hope you had a great Halloween and welcome to Winter...