
Monday, September 29, 2014

Where Have I been???

I have been away, it has been a week with no computer and I think now that it is back I just want to get back on-line!   I will be spending the next 24 hours re-installing everything on my newly fixed PC but I wanted to just put up a quick note to say I am around and will be posting new content soon!!

This weekend I am off to the Wild Rose Retreats to craft and craft and craft some more.  I will be working on Christmas cards for some classes I have coming up and maybe some great projects for a Fun Christmas event I am looking at doing.

I will keep you posted.  Until then check out this SU video showcasing the ALL NEW "Snowflake Card Die" it is adorable!

Have a great Night.

Monday, September 15, 2014

SU Video - Star Boxes

Good Morning!  It is Monday and normally that would be a bad thing but the snow is melted and the weather is beautiful!   Unfortunatly our city has a lot of clean up to do from all of the snow last week, so many trees were damaged is just hurts the heart to look at it!   My area was not hit too bad, our trees are small, but some areas are just awful!!

On to brighter news though...  STARS
Stampin' Up put out a video on how to make some super cute Star boxes using the Star Framelits in the Annual Catalogue.   The "Under the Tree" speciality designer series paper is perfect for these little boxes too.   Below the video you can see the ones I made using this tutorial.

I just love these boxes for decorations and with just a couple of minor changes you can turn them into treat boxes too.

Here you can see where I cut a tab down and did not add adhesive so it just tucks in.  You can add a little treat to the box, such as jelly beans and the box is not ruined when opened.  So Fun!

Let me know how your Star Boxes turned out!  

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Challenge -- Freshly Made Sketches # 153

It has been a long time since I have done a Challenge!  I love doing them and Sketch challenges are my favourite.  Freshly Made Sketches had a wonderful and simple sketch this week and since the weather outside is frightful I thought I would get crafting to pass the time.

I have been in the mood to make Christmas cards this week, and with the weather in Calgary you can see why!

I created this Clean and Simple card with some of my favourite items from this years Holiday Catalogue.  I hope you like it.

I used the new "All is Calm" Designer Washi Tape to create the tree and punched it out with the new SU Tree Punch.  I added some touches of silver and Lost Lagoon with paper, ink and the embellishments.  Nothing to complicated and I now have a simple and elegant Christmas card.  Let me know what you think.

Check out the other great entries and some inspiring samples at 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Pizza Muffins - No it's not a Crafting post!

I made these yesterday and they turned out pretty good. I made them a little bland because I was making them for my picky kids.   My husband wanted a batch with a bit more flavour.   So here we go.  

I got the original recipe from but I changed it up a bit so I have put it on my blog for everyone who wanted the recipe I used.

2 1/2 cups   flour
2 tsp            baking powder
1/2 tsp         baking soda
1/2 tsp         salt
1 tsp            dried basil
1/2 tsp         dried oregano
2 cups          shredded cheese, divided
1                  egg beaten
1 3/4 cups    buttermilk

Optional add-ins -- I added 3/4 cup turkey pepperoni and pizza sauce, other ideas are sun-dried tomatoes, onion, bell peppers, bacon, olives and whatever else you like on pizza. 

Directions - Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.  Grease muffin cups, set aside

In a large bowl combine flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, basil and oregano. Stir until well blended. Mix in 1 1/2 cups of cheese and other add-ins.  

In another bowl beat egg and mix in buttermilk, combine with dry ingredients and blend well. 

Here is where I changed it a bit again.   I spooned just enough batter in to each muffin cup to fill the bottom and then added a teaspoon of pizza sauce to each.  I then added more batter to each cup.  I then put another teaspoon of pizza sauce and some cheese and pepperoni on top of each muffin.

Bake for 15-20 minutes and enjoy!

Project Life - Video from SU.

Stampin' Up has introduced a new line of Scrapbooking supplies this year that are completely fabulous.   Project Life is a great, easy and beautiful way to scrapbook.  One of my favourite things about it is that even if you do not like the format of divided pages you can use all of the wonderful supplies on a standard 12x12 page!  So fun.  Check out this wonderful video showcasing the beautiful and simple Love Story Collection from Project Life is.

Check out the other great collections from Project Life and Stampin Up Here.